3M is a pioneer in developing the science behind retroreflection and has been advancing the technology in new and groundbreaking ways for 80 years. 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material helps to increase wearer safety by enhancing visibility in all kinds of weather, work conditions and situations.
We continue to make advancements in reflective material innovations and play a long established role in personal safety. Our products are proven to be bright, durable and high quality, and are supported globally by world-class technical, marketing and laboratory services.
You can trust 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material to help keep your people safe. Whether you’re firefighting or in the ambulance service; whether you’re part of the police force, in security or working as a welder, you need to have absolute trust in your safety garment – it helps save lives in hazardous conditions.
Understanding your business is essential to providing you with high visibility and reflective solutions. Working in partnership with you, we bring our cross-industry expertise to help solve your safety challenges, designing solutions that will give you the power to protect your people.
Firefighter Apparel
Emergency Service Apparel
Multinorm Apparel
High-Visibility Apparel
Industrial Apparel
We all need to be seen when it matters most. Whether you’re a walker, runner, cyclist, child or pedestrian, you need help to increase your visibility to motorists. You can do this by wearing apparel, footwear and accessories that incorporate 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material.
But retroreflective materials are not just about safety and visibility. The Scotchlite range of products offers you the opportunity to make bold, exciting fashion statements when you want to get noticed. In addition, the quality of 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material ensures that, even after several washes, your favourite retroreflective garments will create the same effect on those around you every time you wear them.