Know it's genuine. Protecting people is your top priority. To help ensure your 3M products are authentic, follow the 3M Safe Guard process.
Validation Not Yet Performed.
Thank you for partnering with us to fight counterfeit products. Counterfeits have likely not been tested, are not certified and cannot be guaranteed to perform as promised. This can pose serious health risks.
Real products mean real protection. Here’s an easy way to validate your 3M products.
On the side of the box, below the 3M Safe Guard logo, just under the bar code, you’ll see a 10-digit secure code and a 6-digit lot code. Both codes should be entered into the corresponding fields on the validation website.
Enter your codes here. A green check mark means the product is genuine. A yellow or red symbol indicates that your product may be counterfeit.
Initial and date the package to let your employees know they are being protected by a genuine 3M product.