3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Core Splice Film AF 3070 FST

  • 3M ID B40066420

Dual-cure 120c or 180c curing, low-density, expandable product for these applications: honeycomb sandwich edge finishing, filling mismatched areas, and core splicing and reinforcing honeycomb core

Fulfills stand-alone fire, smoke and toxic gas emission (FST) requirements according to FAR 25.853 or ABD 0031 and is obtained with a completely halogen-free FST system

FST tested according to FAR/JAR/CS 25.853(a) App F, part I(a)(1)(ii) and ABD0031

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  • Dual-cure 120c or 180c curing, low-density, expandable product for these applications: honeycomb sandwich edge finishing, filling mismatched areas, and core splicing and reinforcing honeycomb core
  • Fulfills stand-alone fire, smoke and toxic gas emission (FST) requirements according to FAR 25.853 or ABD 0031 and is obtained with a completely halogen-free FST system
  • FST tested according to FAR/JAR/CS 25.853(a) App F, part I(a)(1)(ii) and ABD0031
  • Easy to handle, cut, and reposition during lay up process
  • Cocurable with structural adhesive films and prepregs in 120°C to 180°C cure cycles
  • Long shop life (up to 30 days storage at room temperature outside of the protective bag)
  • Suitable for storage at room temperature for 6 months from date of manufacturing, when stored in the sealed protective bag

Lightweight and stiff, sandwich panels are a vital element of many modern aircraft interior designs