3M™ 1500 Graffiti Remover, 500 ml

  • 3M ID 7000082039
  • UPC 04046719700257

The solvent’s liquid form allows for quick penetration and rapid breakdown of graffiti

Does not contain NEP (N-Ethyl-pyrrolidone) or NMP (N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone) used in other graffiti removers, which can pose a significant risk to health

Has little odour, enhancing user comfort and efficiency – unlike traditional chemical removers which emit powerful odours and harmful vapours

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  • The solvent’s liquid form allows for quick penetration and rapid breakdown of graffiti
  • Does not contain NEP (N-Ethyl-pyrrolidone) or NMP (N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone) used in other graffiti removers, which can pose a significant risk to health
  • Has little odour, enhancing user comfort and efficiency – unlike traditional chemical removers which emit powerful odours and harmful vapours
  • Low environmental impact as the product does not contain aromatic, aliphatic or chlorinated solvents

3M™ Graffiti Removers are a safe and simple way to remove unsightly graffiti. Two types of remover depending on surface type.



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