Picture of a man covering both ears with hands.

Workplace Noise and Worker Hearing Solutions

How to reduce noise in the workplace?

The human ear is so sensitive, it can detect pressure changes as small as 20µPa and so prolonged exposure to excessive levels of workplace noise can lead to irreversible, yet entirely preventable, hearing damage that can significantly impact a person’s day-to-day life.

  • Health and Safety eBook

    Noise management and protection

    Every environment is different and workers can face a wide range of sound levels throughout the day. Employers are required to take action to reduce noise exposure and provide the most appropriate personal hearing protection.

    The first step to help reduce the noise exposure is to measure the noise levels facing your workers, this will help you to select the appropriate controls and protection needed for the job. Where possible, operations should be designed to keep noise exposure levels to a minimum.

    The chioice of abrasives used in the workplace can also impact the noise levels in the workplace. Switching to high performance abrasives can help to reduce overall noise exposure by allowing jobs to be completed faster.


  • How 3M products can help reduce noise levels in the workplace

    3M Cubitron II engineered by 3M Precision-Shaped Ceramic Grain can help reduce noise exposure as they cut faster than conventional alternatives, meaning less time on the tool to complete a job and therefore reducing the noise exposure levels in the workplace. Switching from a conventional bonded wheel to a Cubitron™ II fibre disc or Cubitron™ II flap disc can help reduce noise levels at the application level.

Cubitron™ II abrasives products

3M™ Personal Protective Equipment

Noise protection resources:

  • E-Book
    Abrasives Health and Safety eBook

    Download our eBook today for insights into managing workplace hazards.

    Download eBook

    Dec 1, 1901
  • Abrasive Safety - Short Form Guide

    Download our abrasive safety short form guide that provides an overview of how our 3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 982C can help mitigate risk in the workplace.

    Download Short Form Guide


    Dec 1, 1901
  • Posters
    Using Abrasives Safety Posters

    Keep your workers up to speed on safety with our informative posters

    Download Posters

    Dec 1, 1901
  • Abrasive Safety Assessment Guide
    Abrasive Safety Assessment Guide

    Download our abrasive safety assessment guide today for insights on how 3M™ Cubitron™ II hand-held abrasives could help reduce exposure to the risks from hand-arm vibration, airborne particles and noise.

    Download Guide

    Dec 1, 1901
  • Case Study
    Bombardier Case Study

    Learn how 3M is helping to deliver safety and productivity at Bombardier

    Access Case Study

    Dec 1, 1901

Workplace Hazards

  • The use of hand-held abrasive tools, or bench-mounted tools and hand-held workpieces can expose the operator to vibration and can lead to harmful conditions.

    Minimise the risks by using the right abrasives that finish demanding tasks faster, with less pressure.

    Hand-Arm Vibration

  • Dust exposure from abrasive processes can trigger inflammation, allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

    Find out how 3M™ Cubitron™ II technology can help reduce exposure to airborne dust.

    Dust and respiratory issues

  • Working with abrasive equipment can cause injury by direct or indirect contact. Always use machine guards, use the right product for the application, ensure the abrasive is fitted correctly and wear appropriate PPE.

    Faster cutting and cooler running abrasives that require less operator pressure can help towards a safer workplace.

    Injury protection

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