According to the EU OSHA one third of workers in Europe are exposed to potentially dangerous levels of noise. Different work environments, and hearing and communication needs, require different kinds of hearing protection solutions.
When workers are exposed to continuous loud noise, passive earplugs or earmuffs can offer low-cost, effective hearing protection.
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Often, workers need both protection from loud noise as well as the ability to hear normally in low noise, without removing their hearing protection.
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Hearing protection with communication built-in, such as two-way radio or Bluetooth allow workers to clearly communicate in noise.
Featured 3M Products:
3M™ PELTOR™ WS™ Alert X Headsets (PDF, 567 KB)
Enter your noise measurement readings into the hearing products selector and it will list various hearing products that may be suitable for your use. This list is for guidance purposes only and should be used as part of your risk assessment process to help you select the most appropriate product.
Starting here and now. Download the toolkit with literature and tools that help implement your hearing conservation program.
As a production manager you are probably moving in and out of noise areas throughout the day with a need for communication. However when you are a machine operator you just need to wear comfortable protection for continuous loud noise with entertainment options. We have a wide range of hearing solutions available that can be used in general industry applications. Use the advisor to find your solution.
Do you need to talk to others on the plant floor or hear machine noise to troubleshoot? Are you frequently traveling between loud and quiet areas? 3M™ PELTOR™ offers solutions to help you stay protected while helping you hear your surroundings and/or communicate with others.
Find 3Mᵀᴹ PELTORᵀᴹ products that can help protect your crew from hazardous noise while helping them hear the critical sounds needed to perform their job safely and productively.
The PELTOR™ brand is known for tactical hearing protection and communication solutions. Utilizing the environmental listening technology for auditory situational awareness, the 3M™ PELTOR™ ComTac™ advanced hearing protectors are a premier solution to help ensure your operational effectiveness.
Find the communication headset with the right mix of features and values for you. Try out one of the 3M™ PELTOR™ LiteCom Communication Solutions!
Our hearing protection team has years of experience and is here to help you.