Painting hand yellow

3M is helping to improve lives around the world.

  • 3Mgives Volunteers

    Investing our resources. Investing ourselves.

    3M improves lives and builds sustainable communities through social investments and the thoughtful engagement of 3Mers worldwide. Through both corporate giving and the 3M Foundation, we support initiatives that impact communities and provide solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

    In the UK and Ireland our wide-reaching 3Mgives community programme is not about reacting to requests for cash donations - it is a proactive programme focused on those areas where we believe our contribution can make a real difference. We aim to support organisations that help communities help themselves.

We make a positive impact in our three focus areas.

  • 3M Visiting Wizard
    STEM Education

    Our programme is focused on encouraging more young people, particularly girls and those from under-represented groups, to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects and to consider a career in this exciting field. Our dedicated STEM Ambassadors run activities for local schools, host visits at our facilities and create educational resources.

  • 3M in the local community
    Local Community Support

    3M employees are encouraged to dedicate one working day per year to a 3Mgives volunteering project, usually linked to STEM education, sustainable living or support for vulnerable people living close to our sites. 3M also allows paid time off for employees who volunteer as school governors, magistrates and for other public duties in their local communities.

  • The Smashing Stereotypes campaign run in partnership with the British Science Association.
    Partnering with Others

    We partner with a number of organisations to work on initiatives that encourage more people to engage with STEM education and careers, particularly those driving equity for minority and under-represented groups, as well as environmental programmes. Our partners include the British Science Association and WeAreTheCity, an online forum for professional women.