Success Simplified in the indirect dental restoration workflow

Indirect restorative procedures are highly complex. They consist of many different clinical and laboratory steps, and each separate step involves a number of clinical challenges.
That's why 3M has worked with five expert clinicians to develop a consensus for best-practice recommendations in prosthodontic procedures.
These are based on the latest scientific research findings and personal long-term experience in clinical environments.

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Ready for reliable restoration results?

Achieve better outcomes – every time, by simplifying and standardising your prosthodontic procedures with our free 80-page Success Simplified booklet & webinars.

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    What is Success Simplified? (Video 1:52min)
    Stefan Vandeweghe and Jan-Frederik Güth

  • Best-practice recommendation for prosthodontic procedures

    Our objective is to give you, as a clinician, an orientation on indication-specific crown material selection and clinical tips for successful and highly efficient use, striving for the ultimate objective of zero defects.

    The result is a simplified 7-step procedure, covering each stage from restorative dental material selection to maintenance, captured in a booklet to give you a taste of what to expect.

    In-depth training is provided through our blog, live webinars, personal lectures and workshops.

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Simplify your indirect restoration workflow.

Download 3M’s free Success Simplified booklet with 80 pages containing material selection guidelines, case studies, clinical recommendations and more.

Achieve better outcomes – every time, by simplifying and standardising your prosthodontic procedures with our research-based recommendations from five leading clinical experts.

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The 7 steps of the indirect workflow

Each specific procedure step will discuss the most important options, selection criteria and relevant factors for the decision(s) to be made. The idea is that in the clinical environment, the dental practitioner will select the differentiating factors for each individual case resulting in a case-specific recommended clinical dental protocol. Explore each of the 7 steps of the indirect workflow in more depth in our free booklet or webinars for:

  • icon showing a process
    Process best-practices
  • icon showing a book with a person on the cover
    Clinical cases
  • icon showing dental instruments
    Guidance on tool & material selection
  • icon showing a lightbulb
    Personal experience from our trusted experts
  • icon showing dental materials

    1. Dental material selection

    Material selection is one of the most crucial factors in indirect restorative dentistry, and it needs to be done before anything else. Learn more about the perfect choice for each indication.

  • icon showing a tooth with a fiber post

    2. Dental foundation restorations (post and core)

    Quality and amount of remaining tooth structure are key to decide the correct treatment. Learn how to enhance the prognosis of the restored root canal treated tooth.

  • icon showing a dental drill

    3. Dental preparation design

    Preparation quality has a decisive impact on the longevity of the final dental restoration. See simple guidelines to adapt your preparation to the material selected.

  • icon showing temporisation material and a tooth

    4. Temporisation

    Learn how temporary restorations protect underlying tooth structure, function and aesthetics, and can help to condition the gingival tissues prior to making the final dental impression.

  • icon showing a impression tray

    5. Dental impression taking

    This step is critical for dental lab communication and correct materials and techniques selection are important for the final success.
    Learn the key principles for a good start.

  • icon showing dental cements

    6. Dental cementation

    Cement selection is not easy and it depends on several factors such as restoration material and preparation design. Simple principles will help you to make the right choice.

  • icon showing a shining tooth

    7. Maintenance

    Treatment does not end with restoration cementation. 3M shows different maintenance measures for long-lasting restorations and happy patients.

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On-Demand Webinar: 7 steps of Success Simplified

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vanderweghe walks you through the 7 steps of the Success Simplified procedure to help you achieve reliable results.

He guides you through all the steps, from material selection to impression taking and finally dental cementation and maintenance, to reach a reliable end-result. (35 min)


Dive a little deeper with insights from industry experts

  • 3M Brain Floss Blog with Dr. Sigrid Hader
  • Plus button on a keyboard
  • How can I save money in my dental practice every day?

    Searching for promotional deals or cheaper materials is an obvious way to save money in your dental practice.
    Although it can be fun to make a sport of the hunting process, is it the best way to save money? A recent study of a group practice indicates maybe not.

    Author: Dr. Sigrid Hader, PhD

Meet the founding members of Success Simplified

This concept started with a team of five international experts made up of both clinicians and academic researchers.
Together, they've developed a consensus that's based on the latest scientific findings, but also considers the challenges and constraints of a modern dental practice.

  •     Photo of Jan-Frederik Güth       
    Jan-Frederik Güth
    DMD, PhD | Deputy Director of the Department of Prosthodontics at the University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich | Germany
  •     Photo of Paulo Monteiro       
    Paulo Monteiro
    DMD, MSc | Private Practitioner, Professor at Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz | Portugal
  •      Photo of Akit Patel       
    Akit Patel
    BDS, MFDS RCS, MClinDent (Pros), MRD RCS | Private Practitioner, Clinical Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL Eastman Dental Institute | UK
  •     Photo of Carlos Eduardo Sabrosa       
    Carlos Eduardo Sabrosa
    DDS, MSD, DScD | Private Practitioner, Visiting professor at Ghent University | Brazil
  •     Photo of Stefan Vandeweghe       
    Stefan Vandeweghe
    DMD, PhD | Private Practitioner, Professor and Head of the department of Reconstructive Dentistry at Ghent University | Belgium
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Ready to go from theory to practice?

  • Contact 3M Dental Representative

    A representative can share how the Success Simplified process and our products will practically transform your workflow in an in-office or virtual demo. No purchase necessary.

    The information you provide on this form will be used to respond to your request through email or telephone by a 3M representative or by one of our authorised business partners with whom we might share your personal information consistent with the 3M privacy policy.

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  • 3M takes your privacy seriously. 3M and its authorized third parties will use the information you provided in accordance with our Privacy Policy to send you communications which may include promotions, product information and service offers. Please be aware that this information may be stored on a server located in the U.S. If you do not consent to this use of your personal information, please do not use this system.

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