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EuroSkills 2016

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  • A spectacular showcase of skills

    EuroSkills™ 2016, held in Gothenburg from 1-3 December, was a chance for young people to shine.

    December 1, 1901 A spectacular showcase of skills
  • A platform for young people to showcase their skills

    More than 400 young people from 35 different professions will strive to be the stars of their skill sectors in an Olympics-style competition held in Gothenburg, Sweden, in December.

    December 1, 1901 A platform for young people to showcase their skills
  • Daniel Carlberg (Sweden)

    "I will participate at EuroSkills™ because I love what I do. It will also be extremely fun to be a part of the Swedish team, now that we are the host nation."

    December 1, 1901 Daniel Carlberg (Sweden)
  • Lisa Janisch (Austria)

    "I really love what I do, it's my dream job. And I believe if you are really passionate about what you do and when it comes from the heart, the results will follow."

    December 1, 1901 Lisa Janisch (Austria)
  • Kasper Svensson (Sweden)

    "A plasterer's job is very diverse in Sweden, which makes it so special to me, because I learn many related skills. It brings me a lot of joy, which I think is most important. I always wanted to make money doing something I like."

    December 1, 1901 Kasper Svensson (Sweden)
  • Stefan Chistè (Italy)

    "I did an internship as floorlayer in my uncle's company and because I liked it so much, decided to go and make it my livelihood."

    December 1, 1901 Stefan Chistè (Italy)
  • Thomas Rudlstorfer (Austria)

    "I like the artistic aspect of it, using my hands. That's just fascinating to me, having the opportunity to create art, because what I am doing is very close to art already."

    December 1, 1901 Thomas Rudlstorfer (Austria)
  • What is EuroSkills?

    3M is proud to be an official partner of EuroSkills™ 2016, which takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden, between 1-3 December. Discover more about Europe's biggest vocational skills competition here.

    December 1, 1901 What is EuroSkills?
  • 3M and WorldSkills in partnership

    Here's how 3M and WorldSkills™ are working to deliver training and tools for young vocational professionals all over the world.

    December 1, 1901 3M and WorldSkills in partnership
  • 3M and EuroSkills supporting a sustainable future

    EuroSkills™ 2016 aims to be the most sustainable skills competition to date. Find out more about both 3M and EuroSkills 2016's commitments to sustainability.

    December 1, 1901 3M and EuroSkills supporting a sustainable future
  • 3M innovation enabling EuroSkills competitors

    See how 3M products from Post-it® Notes to Speedglas™ helmets enable EuroSkills™ 2016 competitors to perform at their best in vocations as diverse as graphic design and welding.

    December 1, 1901 3M innovation enabling EuroSkills competitors
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