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  2. About 3M
Three first responder vehicles in row, one healthcare worker wearing a n95 mask, an industrial worker wearing a reusable respirator and an industrial worker grinding metal.

3M Verify

Authentic. Because it matters.

Authentic. Because it matters.

Report a Potential Counterfeit Product
  • 3M Verfiy Logo for counterfeit product reporting.

    At 3M we know that quality matters. We believe that every customer seeking to purchase a 3M product should receive an authentic 3M product — each and every time. Counterfeits or fakes are typically cheaply made imitations that don’t offer the quality assurance that you expect from 3M products.

    Counterfeit products are not tested or approved like authentic 3M products. Instead, they are made by unknown fraudsters, using unknown processes and materials, with unknown or nonexistent quality control. And depending on the type of product, using a counterfeit product could put you at risk.

Avoiding Counterfeit Product

The best way to avoid purchasing a counterfeit product is to always buy from a 3M authorised reseller. When you do, you have the highest assurance that you have received a genuine 3M product.

Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true – they usually are.

If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a particular reseller, have you asked the reseller for proof that it is authorized by 3M and that the goods are authentic? Does the purported documentation appear suspect in any way?

For help confirming documentation of authorized resellers, contact 3M here.

Have questions about 3M respirators?

As part of our response to COVID-19, we have been working harder than ever to combat fraud and counterfeiting involving respirators. We continue this work today, because ensuring the authenticity of 3M products remains as important as ever. If you have questions about 3M respirators, please click here (US, English).

Reporting a Potential Counterfeit Product

Submit a form from the list below to report a potential counterfeit product.

Dark blue hero banner with lines in the corner

3M Verify — Counterfeit Reporting

Have a concern to report related to a potential counterfeit product? Fill in the form below.

Have a concern to report related to a potential counterfeit product? Fill in the form below.

At 3M, we are committed to doing all we can to help combat counterfeit activity. We take these matters very seriously and we will review your report as quickly as possible.

However, please understand that we may not be able to provide a definitive answer about the authenticity of an individual product, especially if it was not purchased from a 3M authorized reseller.

If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a particular reseller, have you asked the reseller for proof that it is authorized by 3M and that the goods are authentic? Does the purported documentation appear suspect in any way?

  • Report a counterfeit product.

    Please complete as much of the information requested below as possible.

    Once you submit this report, you will receive an email notification that 3M has received the report. We request that you reply to that email and attach any copies of invoices, contracts, pictures of product and any other relevant documentation that can help us to investigate the situation.

    All fields are required, unless indicated as optional.

  • Personal Information

  • Alleged Solicitor/Seller Information

    Please provide as much information as possible.

  • Counterfeit Product Details

  • Please be aware that the information you supply about yourself, or any aspect of 3M�s operations may result in actions or decisions that may affect others. We ask you to provide only information that, to the best of your knowledge, is correct. You will not be sanctioned for submitting information in good faith, even if it turns out to be inaccurate. However, if you knowingly provide false or misleading information, it may result in disciplinary or judicial action.

    3M respects your right to privacy. 3M will collect, use, and disclose the personal information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In addition to the third party disclosures described in our Privacy Policy, 3M may share all personal information you provided in this form with third parties including but not limited to law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, regulators or courts: (i) to comply with a law, regulation, court order, or other legal process; (ii) to meet our legitimate interest in detecting, preventing, investigating and responding to fraud, intellectual property infringement, violation of our contracts or agreements, violation of law, or other misuse of 3M products or services; (iii) to protect 3M rights or property or yours or others� health, safety, welfare, rights, or property; or (iv) under similar circumstances to address fraud and counterfeit activity related to the Covid 19 situation. If 3M elects to share personal information with law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, regulators or courts, 3M will have no control over that personal information.

  • 3M takes your privacy seriously. 3M and its authorized third parties will use the information you provided in accordance with our Privacy Policy to send you communications which may include promotions, product information and service offers. Please be aware that this information may be stored on a server located in the U.S. If you do not consent to this use of your personal information, please do not use this system.

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