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  2. SVHC Search

SVHC Search

Substances of Very High Concern Information Search for Articles

Looking for Substances of Very High Concern information for a chemical product? Please use: SDS Search
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This database is for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) information for articles. This information represents 3M's current knowledge and belief, which may be based in whole or in part on information provided by third party suppliers to 3M. For more information please contact: UK & Ireland Product EHS&R Department, Tel: 01344 858 000, or email. We also provide online SVHC information for other countries in local language.

Search Tips

Product Name/Number

You can enter a combination of words and numbers in the Product Name/Number field. Using the product name/number from the order confirmation or invoice is recommended.

3M ID Number Format

Please enter the 3M ID in the following format : xx-xxxx-xxxx-x or xxxxxxxxxxx


Don't know the whole name or ID number? Just enter a part of it.