Featured Products

  • Unique power dot technology applied to four different scouring pads and sponges – to help you blast through tough baked-on or burnt-on soils faster and more effectively. This technology allows for quicker rinsing and minimises trapped food particles, keeping the scouring pads cleaner longer.

  • Clean, Streak- free glass. Fast. Scotchgard Glass Cleaner & Protector outperforms other leading glass cleaners – for a nice reflection on you.

  • Contract cleaners are under increasing pressure to improve productivity and reduce costs without compromising standards. With Scotch-Brite Clean & Shine Floor Pads you can clean and shine the floor in one step saving time, effort and equipment.

  • Just two coats produce a clean, shiny, durable finish that is less susceptible to scuffs, black marks, stains and scratches.