Employer duties
Health and Safety legislation places a general duty on employers so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees and others who maybe affected by their work activities.
There are various regulations in place to enforce H&S legislation. For example employers are required to:
• prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances
• provide PPE where there are risks to workers health and safety
• prevent or reduce risks from exposure to noise
Employee Duties
Legislation requires that employees (and self-employed) are required to take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other people who may be affected by their actions. They are also required to co-operate with their employer to enable legal obligations to be met.
There are a wide range of hazards present in the bodyshop environment some of which are less obvious than others. For example inhalation of isocyanates found in two-pack paints can lead to occupational asthma. Isocyanates, however, have low warning properties which mean that they cannot be detected by smell or taste.
Refer to the 3M Management Guide to Bodyshop Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) (pdf, 1,237kb) for more information on bodyshop hazards and health effects
Acute Symptoms:
• acute respiratory irritation
• breathing difficulties
Chronic Symptoms:
• occupational asthma,
• lung tissue damage
• cancer
Acute Symptoms:
• acute respiratory irritation
• dizziness
• nausea
Chronic Symptoms:
• occupational asthma
Acute Symptoms:
• metal fume fever (flu-like illness)
Chronic Symptoms:
• cancer
• occupational asthma
Acute Symptoms:
• acute ‘arc-eye’ inflammation
Chronic Symptoms:
• blindness
• cataracts
Acute Symptoms:
• temporary hearing loss
Chronic Symptoms:
• permanent hearing loss
• Enhance goodwill: By looking after your workers they will be more inclined to remain loyal to your business.
• Enhance productivity: Reduce days taken off sick from occupational related illnesses.
• Avoid fines and prosecution by demonstrating that you’re delivering best practice.
• Low staff turnover: Lower training costs and remove the hassle of arranging temporary worker arrangements.
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