3M FlexAbility for employees

FlexAbility at 3M

When and where do you do your best work? What could you do differently to achieve your goals at work and at home? At 3M, you can rework your schedule based on YOU.

Here, we offer simple, individual arrangements between each 3Mer and their supervisor for a flexible work practice that maximizes professional and personal productivity.

FlexAbility puts into practice a new way of thinking: that your work life and your personal life can coexist. A FlexAbility plan can put the power in your hands to make choices that benefit you, your work, your team, your friends and family, and 3M.

  • James Hunt image

    James Hunt

    James Hunt, an HR Manager in the UK&I, had spent 7 years in HR when he decided he wanted to go back to University, “I’ve always been fascinated with Psychology and understanding why we do what we do, think what we think and say what we say. I found a suitable part-time MSc in Psychology which required me to be on campus one day a week over two years. This meant I needed to go down to 4 days a week at 3M and I am very much appreciate of how supportive and flexible my manager and 3M have been in accommodating my flexible working.

  • Kim Brewer

    After 15 years working at 3M in a variety of marketing roles, Kim took the opportunity to participate in a 6 month unpaid career break. In conjunction with her manager and business team, Kim was able to plan a 6 month sabbatical to travel and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. Working flexibly with the management team, Kim was able to fulfil a personal ambition and the business was able to retain the services of an experienced employee. “I feel exceptionally fortunate to have been able to take advantage of this fantastic policy. The ability to take time out, with the confidence of a full-time role on my return, made the experience possible. My time away followed the completion of a challenging project, so it was a welcome break and I returned with renewed enthusiasm and commitment for the organisation, refreshed and excited to take on another assignment.”

  • Mel Moss

    Mel Moss

    Mel Moss, a global marketer for 3M's Personal Safety Division, uses FlexAbility to adjust her schedule when she has personal business to attend to, and she can work offsite if she has a cold or isn't feeling great. Since adopting FlexAbility, Mel says she takes advantage of it about once a week. "I can honestly say that I feel more productive as I'm not being interrupted by people," Mel says. "And if someone needs me, I'm just a button or a click away."

Learn how your skills might be a fit at 3M.