Own the Zone to help prevent hypothermia with the 3M™ Bair Hugger™ Normothermia System

  • Preventing hypothermia during surgery can bring great value to healthcare facilities today and in the future. Own the Zone means keeping a patient’s core body temperature within the normothermic temperature zone of 36.0°C to 37.5°C during surgery.1,2 When used properly, patient warming and temperature monitoring systems in operating theatres can help the surgical care team proactively monitor and maintain the patient’s core body temperature from the time the patient enters the pre-operative area until the moment they are discharged from recovery.

  • Learn How You Can Help Own the Zone
  • Learn How You Can Help
    Own the Zone

    • Why is normothermia maintenance so critical to patient outcomes?
    • What are some common misconceptions and realities?
    • How can my facility successfully Own the Zone?

    You’ll find answers to these questions and more in the free whitepaper, Own the Zone: The Importance of Proactive Temperature Management as a New Standard of Patient Care.

  • Own the zone video image
    3M™ Bair Hugger™ Temperature Monitoring System

    When it comes to patient normothermia, degrees matter. Even a minor drop in core body temperature can result in unintended hypothermia, a surgical complication associated with an increased risk of SSIs and other costly, potentially deadly consequences.

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    Importance of Temperature Management

    Proactive temperature management, made possible with the Bair Hugger Normothermia System, can help clinicians Own the Zone and maintain normothermia for every surgical patient throughout the perioperative journey. Learn more with our Own the Zone infographic.

How to Own the Zone throughout the surgical process.

  • Pre-op

    Pre-warm with a Bair Hugger forced-air warming device to combat redistribution temperature drop and proactively monitor patient core temperature with the Bair Hugger temperature monitoring system.

  • Intra-op

    Monitor core temperature during surgery with the Bair Hugger temperature monitoring system. And continue to proactively maintain normothermia with a Bair Hugger blanket or gown throughout the surgical procedure.

  • Post-op

    Maintain patient comfort and promote positive outcomes by continuing to monitor core temperature in recovery.

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It's time to own the zone
  • Make hypothermia treatment a thing of the past with the Bair Hugger Normothermia System, which includes a wide range of high performance forced-air warming blankets and gowns that play the critical role of maintaining normothermia, helping to safeguard patients and improve outcomes. Find out how we can help clinicians to implement normothermia protocols with a complete warming and temperature monitoring solution.

  • image for core temp
    Temperature is a Vital Sign

    Core body temperature is a critical vital sign that should be monitored throughout the perioperative journey. Proactively measuring core body temperature with a consistent, accurate, and non-invasive system is the only true way to own the normothermic temperature zone (36.0°C - 37.5°C)1,2 and protect patients from unintended perioperative hypothermia. Learn more about the Bair Hugger temperature monitoring system in our infographic video.


  1. Schroeck H, Lyden AK, Benedict WL, Ramachandran SK. Time Trends and Predictors of Abnormal Postoperative Body Temperature in Infants Transported to the Intensive Care Unit. Anesthesiology Research and Practice. 2016:7318137
  2. Hooper VD, Chard R, Clifford T, Fetzer S, Fossum S, Godden B, Martinez EA, Noble KA, O’Brien D, Odom-Forren J, Peterson C, Ross J, Wilson L. ASPAN’s Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline for the Promotion of Perioperative Normothermia: Second Edition. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vol 25, No 6 (December), 2010: pp 346-365